Tatsushi Iwano
Loadstar Capital K.K.
Born in 1973, in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture. He spent his first to third grade of elementary school in the U.S. After the fourth grade, he grew up in the suburbs of Tokyo.
1996:Graduated from The Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo.
1996:Joined Japan Real Estate Institute.
Engaged in real estate appraisal services.
2000:Joined Goldman Sachs Realty Japan Ltd.
Engaged in both acquisition and asset management of real estate related investments.
2004:Joined Rockpoint Management Japan LLC. as Director.
Responsible for real estate investments in Japan (approx. JPY 50B in equity and JPY 300B in total deal volume).
2012:Established Loadstar Capital K.K.
2014:Launched “OwnersBook” (Japan’s first crowdfunding platform specializing in real estate).
2017:Loadstar Capital K.K. was completed initial public offering on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market.
2022:Loadstar Capital K.K. was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market.
【Qualifications: Certified Real Estate Appraiser, Real Estate Transaction Agent】