4F is an annual event of financial innovation stakeholders to discuss current issues, recognize best practices, and take actions for the future.
This year’s event will include the Japan Financial Innovation Award (JFIA), which is to recognize innovative initiatives from the press releases in the financial sector during 2024, FINOPITCH, a global pitch contest for FinTech startups, and international gatherings and lab crawl, etc.
This year’s theme is “Recharge,” with the hope for “recharging financial innovation”. We hope that you will find hints for accelerating innovation in the global environment with rapid changes. We sincerely hope to stimulate international discussions within the new framework of “JAPAN FINTECH WEEK” and to promote collaboration between startups and financial institutions both in Japan and abroad.

Details and latest information will be updated as needed.
Please note that the program may change for any reason.
March 3, 2025

Lab Crawl
(①10:00〜12:00、②13:30〜15:00)@meeting place:FINOLAB
(Japanese Only) Visits to innovative laboratory facilities in the Otemachi Building, including FINOLAB.
① FINOLAB ⇒ AgVenture Lab ⇒ Inspired. Lab ⇒ Preferred Networks ⇒ MIRAI LAB PALETTE
② FINOLAB ⇒ AgVenture Lab ⇒ Inspired. Lab ⇒ MIRAI LAB PALETTE

(18:00-20:00) @OCA TOKYO
Japan Financial Innovation Award (JFIA) is to recognize innovative initiatives in financial services. We will announce the grand prize and the category excellence in the awards ceremony.【By invitation only】
March 4, 2025

March 5, 2025
FINOPITCH Closed Meetup
Meetup will be held for FINOPITCH finalists and invited guests.
March 6, 2025

(10:00-12:00) @KANZE Noh Theater (GINZA SIX B3)
"CC- Pitch (ChaosCanvas Pitch)“ is a pitch contest for under 25 youth to challenge the future.

(13:00-19:00) @KANZE Noh Theater (GINZA SIX B3)
“FINOPITCH'' is a global pitch contest for FinTech startups. Startups from Japan and overseas will give pitches in English. In addition to the grand prize decided by the judges, we will also announce the supporter awards and the audience award in the award ceremony.
March 7, 2025


FINOPITCH is an international pitch contest presented in English, with 4 judging criteria, 1) Impact on Financial Industry, 2) Innovative Business Model, 3) Growth Potential, 4) Global Reach.
FINALIST from outside of Japan
FINALIST from Japan
*alphabetical order
*The order of the Japanese syllabary after the chairman.