HedgeSPA Core Investment Platform | B2B
Sophisticated investment analytics for asset managers, insurers & private banks
HedgeSPA’s mission is to revolutionize the landscape of professional investment analytics by democratizing access and to give all professional investors sophisticated tools to realize their full business potentials. The HedgeSPA platform is powered by Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, as well as Quantum/High-Performance Computing. It address the pain points of professional asset managers by automating many day-to-day functions, ranging from asset selection, portfolio rebalancing, trade executive to investor reporting. This powerful platform has managed to achieve 15% outperformance in 4.5 months even during COVID19 lockdown months. This out-of-the-box solution comes with data and transaction connectivity as well as back-end connectors.
Bernard Lee
Founder and CEO
Bernard Lee is the Founder/CEO of HedgeSPA, whose mission is to revolutionize the landscape of professional investment analytics by democratizing access to the most sophisticated B2B investment analytics tool. Dr. Lee was a finance professor in US and Singapore, and a Managing Director in the Portfolio Management Group at BlackRock in New York City, where he built their award-winning functionalities for multi-asset investing. Dr. Lee has earned his undergraduate degree from Princeton (double major in Engineering and Woodrow Wilson School), master’s degree from Stanford (computational mathematics at Computer Science Dept), and a Ph.D. in Quantitative Finance from Imperial College London.