Psychometric based online micro finance and community platform | B2C
Psychometric test based micro finance platform
In traditional assessment process, The Banks or money lenders rely on traditional credit score or financial statements. As the micro enterprises or startups do not have those financial data, they could not access those loan service. This is the problem in financial sector. We use psychometric test to analyze the will or attitude to repay back loan and produce alternative credit score. This score will make them financial inclusion. Furthermore, we create community for borrowers and potential one for knowledge sharing to grow business each other and serve others to get token as an incentive.
Fumiko Inada
Co-founder & CEO
After graduating from Keio University, started her career at Central Bank of Japan. While working on the Bank, worked in Micro finance NGO as pro bono, and took part in micro finance study tour in 2012 to visit BRAC in Bangladesh, the biggest Micro finance institution in the world. Then studied Master degree at London School of Economics and shifted place to Bangladesh, then started career at BRAC in 2013 and Japanese IT company’s offshore management. Finally set up own startup, Bee Informatica Sdn.Bhd. in 2019 in Malaysia to offer digital micro finance and also knowledge sharing community.