Brokerware | B2B
Front to back management system for broker dealers as API
At Brokerware we build a system that is a comprehensive front to back suite for Broker Dealers, that means that we manage from the moment a client enters an order on a platform until its registered in accounting, all the processes in the middle and all related processes to that. This is a 21st century suite, thought technology first, api connected, flexible, designed for the cloud.
The entire system can be assembled like a lego.
There are platforms for each role in the company. All of them are integrated with each other and with their banking core.
Victor Sabbia
Victor Sabbia has been developing software for capital markets since year 2000.
He has a phD in Bioinformatics and worked in countless projects in the financial sector.
As the CEO and founder of Brokerware has led the company to be recognized as highly innovative while growing steadily over the last years.