Ginco Web3 Cloud | B2B
All-in-One web3 platform
Ginco Web3 Cloud is a vertically integrated API & SDK platform that provides all-in-one blockchain-specific systems such as Node, Indexer, and Wallet, which are essential for Web3 services handling digital assets.
It supports a wide range of Web3 use cases and blockchain protocols, and boasts a high level of security and stability at the level of financial institutions.
Monika Ohashi
Global Sales Director
Fully trilingual, Monika Ohashi has started and worked for tech startups across multiple
countries, and has a rich experience with project management, business strategy, and
internal and external communication. Monika is the founding member of Ginco Inc. where
she’s currently building a global sales team. Prior to re-joining Ginco, Monika co-founded a
cybersecurity solution firm in Scotland and was selected as the rising star for 2020’s
AccelerateHER Awards