TOGGLE | B2B and B2C
Providing advanced investment analysis to all investors
TOGGLE is a machine learning (artificial intelligence) financial information service platform. TOGGLE learns through machine learning the factors that affect the prices of financial products (foreign exchange, stocks, bonds, commodities, ETFs, etc.) around the world from a huge amount of data such as economic, financial, and market information over decades. An innovative financial information service that delivers relevant insights to investors as soon as an event that contributes to the price fluctuation cycle of a financial product occurs.
Armenak Mayalian
Armenak has Co-Founded 5 startups, most recently acting as the CTO of Sharepay (acquired by Linxo Group in 2018). He spent the last 5 years in Fintech and has more than 20 years of tech and strategy experience, having worked on TNT’s acquisition by Fedex
He holds a Master of Arts in Strategy from ESCP Europe.